Cousins, siblings and grandkids {Photographers in Redlands}

Our goal was to see all 6 grandchildren's smiley faces in one picture. We accomplished that goal but I always LOVE the melt down pictures.photographers in redlandsThese two families are so great. We had fun walking through Prospect park in Redlands. Sessions like this one, with so many young kids, seem to be a whirl wind of noises, lots of jumping around behind me and laughter. But I would not change it for anything! After it was all said and done, we were able to get each family together, each child alone, all the grandkids smiling and a few candid pictures as well!Thank you again for letting me hang out with you and your family!! Cant wait till next time!photographers in redlands family prospect park 


Mr B turns One!! {Photographers in Yucaipa}


Celebrating their first year! {Lake Arrowhead Country Club Photographer}